Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Fourth Grade Confrontation

It was 2009 in 4th grade sometime in the third quarter I confronted my school bully. But I'm getting ahead of myself I'll start at the beginning. It was the beginning of fourth grade and the first few months were o.k.. But in sometime inNovember this kid named Zyland (don't know if thats correct or not) starting picking on me. But I was acting like the bigger man and took it, and I didn't tell anyone so he kept bullying me. But one day he said too much and I snapped and chased him. He tripped and I run up to him and started punching him. Then the security guard broke us  up and sent us both to the office. He got suspended and I got off with a warning. But they told my parents and they acted mad but then asked me if I was ok then acted like nothing happened.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Michael Murawski                                                                                                                     2/19/2014

                                                           Reinforced Justice

They can have a test to were they see how much a cop can take by putting him against, rasists, criminals, and wild animals. This will show if their strong or weak and if they'll snap at criminals. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One day Me and some of my relatives and so random people were floating on a river. We've been here for about two and a half hour and waiting for help. So while we wait let me tell you what happened and why were here.

Some of my relatives and me were bored so we decided to go to the beach. So we got in our jeeps and started to drive. There were other people on the  road when suddenly a flash flood happened! We all were swept off the cliff and down to the water. Surprisingly no one got hurt and our jeeps were in one peace.We'll now were here and it looks like help has come at last.

I just got home and me and my relatives vowed never to go to the beach again. But it wasn't so bad our boredom was solved and we met new people. But we were also stuck in the lake for two and a half hours and then had to go through an interview. So that was another hour or so bust whatever at least were safe.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Prediction of the future

Michael Murawski                                                                                                                         2/26/14

                                                        My Prediction of the Future

In the upcoming year I think that many things are going to happen. This is one of those things, I think that GTA will make a new game. I think this because GTA V got so many sales and good reveiws. It got over a couple million sales on the FIRST DAY!!! This means that it made millions of dollars in the first week! So that means they can make another game and not worry about the budget. so ether near the end of this year or the beginning of next year(hopefully end of this year).